A checklist for Finding and Eliminating an Unsupportive Financial Belief

Changing your beliefs around money and your personal finances can dramatically change your life. Financial stress is among the top stressors faced in life. Getting this part of your life under control provides many benefits. These benefits include peace of mind, opportunity, and the ability to deal with life’s challenges more easily.

Apply this checklist to facilitate changing any challenging money beliefs you may hold:

  • Determine the part of your financial life that is causing the greatest challenge. A few examples include: income, savings, investments, paying bills on time, insurance, emergency fund, budgeting, and debt.
  • Make a list of the beliefs in this area of your finances that are holding you back. Be thorough.
  • Prioritize the list and place the most unsupportive financial beliefs at the top.
  • Start with the first belief on your list and determine where this belief was derived. Did you read it? Witness it as a child and make your own determination?
  • Question the expertise of the source. Is the source worthy of your blind faith? Is it possible you made an inaccurate analysis?
  • What are other possible beliefs you could hold instead that would serve you better? There are multiple perspectives to every situation.
  • What is your current belief costing you? Think in terms of dollars and emotions.
  • What would a new, improved belief do for you? How would things change if you adopted the new belief and released the old?
  • Create an affirmation of the new belief. State it in the present tense with positive words and ideas.
  • Repeat the affirmation throughout the day. Start and end your day with at least 20 repetitions.

Avoid skipping steps and apply the steps in order. A checklist is an effective way to apply any process and minimize confusion and errors. Attack the money beliefs that are limiting your happiness and financial abundance. You’ll be glad you did!

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